6 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Internship

6 Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Internship

Internships are a short period for undergrads to have a glimpse into their field’s career paths, impress relevant people, and secure a job recommendation or if favored, a full-time offer. Provided its impermanence, it is important to realize as a guest in a workplace and a colleague whom others will count on, internships are not a mere 150- to 200-hour compliance, but hours of life that may facilitate some of the most important decisions in one’s early career trajectory — so it deserves your dedication!
What’s it Like Being a Young Adult Filipino Immigrant in New York

What’s it Like Being a Young Adult Filipino Immigrant in New York

As much as it welcomes immigrants, New York City experience can vary depending on one’s ethnicity. As such, in this COVID-19 pandemic, Filipinos among other Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI) in the United States have been experiencing heightened xenophobia following a long American history of using diseases to justify hate and false blame.
Philippine Her-story Is Our Story

Philippine Her-story Is Our Story

With years of women’s quest for independence, struggle for democracy, equality, and social justice, which is visible to the present date, where are all the women’s stories in the points of our nation’s statuses of struggle? Additionally, perhaps, it is hard for some to understand or be concerned about gender inequality because we hardly ever talk about its beginnings and how we, throughout the years, struggle with this silent crime in our personhood. So in celebration of National Women’s Month, may we shed a light on Filipino women’s definition and position in nation-building by acknowledging the necessary details in the story of how we became who we are today